Monday, 17 October 2011

In the Catalog - IBM WebSphere Portal portlet load monitoring plug-in

Thanks to my mate, David, for pointing this out: -
Portlet Load monitoring is a portlet filter that allows portal administrators to protect their portal by defining a maximum number of concurrent requests and an average response time allowed for a JSR 168 or JSR 286 portlet. If the portlet exceeds either the defined maximum number of concurrent requests, or the average response time, then Portlet Load Monitoring will no longer allow further requests to the portlet. Instead, portal renders the portlet as unavailable and the portlet code is no longer called for further requests. This way, your portal installation is protected from non responsive portlets to consume more and more threads.
This requires WebSphere Portal or 6.15 or higher, as well as APAR 05689, which is included in cumulative fix 3 (CFPM09968) or available on top of CF2. It is already included in WepSphere Portal 7.0.
Version (published on Oct 26, 2010): APAR PM21203: Fixed problem that Portlet Load Monitoring does not reduce the request counter if a portlet throws an exception
Version (published on Aug 9, 2010): Fixed problem that Portlet Load Monitoring does not evaluate portlet preferences set in portlet.xm
Definitely going to give that a try …. the download URL is here.


HAITX said...

Dear Dave Hay!

I have a internet portal system use websphere portal v7 (deploy in single cluster cell and used oracle rac database).

Now, I want to build intranet portal system deploy on deffiren cell. How I can use 1 database system (internet database)? are there use intranet cell and internet cell connect to one database system?

Thank You very much!
New member websphere portal in Viet Nam.

Dave Hay said...


I believe Oracle allows you to separate databases via SID and/or Service Owner accounts.

This is similar to the way that DB2 UDB allows you to separate via instances.

Therefore, your Oracle server COULD host both databases, each under its own unique SID/SO and also listening on a different port e.g. 1527 for Internet, 1528 for Intranet etc.

Check with your Oracle DBA to be sure, and also consider whether there's a risk of mixing intranet and internet data on the same physical/logical data.

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