Thursday 27 October 2011

Matt Newman turns IBM Connections into a Widget in the IBM Notes client

I saw this in the blog roll of my own blog 

Yesterday's #TipOfTheDay was how to access IBM Connections in 'miniature' form by accessing your IBM Connections site with the addition of /mobile at the end of your address, like: 

A little while ago I wrote how many sites designed for mobile/smart-phone/tablet access actually make  GREAT Lotus Notes side-bar widgets.

Well, combine this concept, and the brilliant mobile version of IBM Connections and what do you have - Lotus Notes fully Connected, right there in your side-bar :-)

Great job, Matt, I followed this and now have our internal W3 site accessible in the sidebar - looks very shiny

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Note to self - use kubectl to query images in a pod or deployment

In both cases, we use JSON ... For a deployment, we can do this: - kubectl get deployment foobar --namespace snafu --output jsonpath="{...