Saturday, 8 October 2011

Two rather useful tools for IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Manager

Both are available in the Greenhouse; definitely worth a download ….

The IBM Portal Log Analyzer is a tool designed to help users of IBM's WebSphere Portal product troubleshoot issues with ConfigEngine and JVM startup failures.

Loading a ConfigTrace.log into the Log Analyzer tool allows you to:

• View an interactive list of ConfigEngine scripts that have been executed in your environment
• Quickly identify failed ConfigEngine scripts
• Find the right errors to troubleshoot
• View the properties used at the time of a specific ConfigEngine script

The IBM Support Tools portlet for Lotus WCM provides an assortment of tools that are useful in troubleshooting content related issues.

This portlet includes tools to view the JCR repository for WCM content, run an xpath query and view results, and directly execute various support jsps. These tools are commonly provided by support on a case to case basis to gather information specific to customer environment and content. With this portlet installed on the WCM system, it will help expedite the troubleshooting process.

The portlet is available for v6.0.1.X , v6.1.X and v7.0 of WebSphere Portal and can only be used on Portals that have WCM installed on the them.

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