Thursday, 22 December 2011

Build Large-scale Performing Enterprise Solutions for IBM Lotus Connections 3.0.x

Whilst looking for some information for a colleague, this came into my search results.

It's a great slide deck, presented at Lotusphere 2011 by David Brooks and Morten Kristiansen, and is definitely worth a look.

Specifically, I was looking for a recommendation on the small vs. medium vs. large deployments of IBM Connections. The presentation references all three types, and says "Use Medium or Large Deployment for any non proof of concept.  Small deployment cluster puts all components on one JVM.  Unless 64 bit, will not handle user load. "

Bottom line, if you're looking to deploy IBM Connections, this is a recommended read …..

1 comment:

Suzanne Livingston said...

Thanks for mentioning the presentation!

Reminder - installing podman and skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04

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