Saturday, 10 December 2011

Social Connections II - My observations

I was lucky enough to be invited to attend AND speak at Social Connections, the IBM Connections user group meeting, in Cardiff yesterday - 9 December.

This is the second time that I've attended this event, the inaugural meeting being kindly hosted by The Salvation Army back in July. This time around, Cardiff University were kind enough to host us, including the rather lovely Simon Vaughan, who is definitely a man to watch :-)

The event was well-attended, by customers, Business Partners, and IBMers, with a good 50:50 mix of business and technical.

The presentations were very social, as one might expect, and predominantly focused on the business and social benefits of IBM's collaboration solution, IBM Connections, with a few more technical sessions ( including one by Yours Truly ). The speaker list is here and the sessions listing is here.

Stuart McIntyre was the MC of the event, ably assisted by Sharon "Social Shazza" Bellamy and Lisa "Where's Darren?" Duke.

The event was live-streamed, thanks to the sterling efforts of Mark Calleran , Gaz Rose and the Salvation Army team.

Stuart has promised to upload the presentations to

The event was rounded off by an absolutely wonderful reception and dinner at Cardiff Castle, including a tour of three of the most gorgeous rooms in the place.

The entire day went smoothly, thanks to the hosts, the organisers and the genuine good nature of all of those attending. It was truly the perfect place to establish "Social Connections" :-)

So, with two excellent events delivered during 2011, in London and Cardiff respectively, I'm looking forward to 2012 - who knows which other UK capital cities are on the agenda, but I know that there's a bloomin' good castle in Edinburgh :-)

Ooops, nearly forgot to mention - if you want to know more about what went on during the day, check out the hashtag #soccnx on Twitter; you don't have to join the site to follow the Tweets from the audience, speakers, sponsors and web-watchers.

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