Wednesday, 21 December 2011

IBM Connections - What version do I have ?

This from @SocialShazza via Twitter, following inspiration from the genius @StuartMcIntyre via Skype ( did you know that Stuart runs a great set of Skype chats about Connections, Quickr, Portal etc. ???? )

Question: What version of IBM Connections am I running ?
Answer: Query /homepage/web/jsp/about.jsp on your IBM Connections server, e.g.

Looking at three versions of Connections to which I have access, it's a great tip: -

IBM W3 Release v3.0.1.0 build LC3.0.1_FP_20110617.1631

IBM Greenhouse Release v3.0.1.0 build LC3.0.1_FP_20110817.0216

IBM developerWorks Release 2.5 LC2.5.0.2_20100430.1448

Nice :-)

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