Sunday, 8 January 2012

Events at the British Computer Society - January 2012

These popped into my in-box today; I fancy one or more of them ….

Date: Tuesday 10 January
Time: 6.00 for 6.30
Title: WebGL - In-browser 3D rendering
Presenter: Dr Nick Whitelegg, of Southampton Solent University
Venue: Southampton Solent University, Herbert Collins building,HC 021,on the ground floor,
This will be jointly with the BCS Hampshire Branch and Southampton Solent University.
Currently, web applications are becoming more and more like desktop applications thanks to HTML5 and related technologies. One particularly exciting technology is WebGL, which allows developers to create in-browser 3D applications usign OpenGL from within JavaScript. This talk will give an overview of the WebGL technology and approaches to development. Ideally you should have a little experience with OpenGL or at least be aware of the basic principles of 3D applications, and have some experience of web development.

Dr Nick Whitelegg is a senior lecturer in Computing (Web Development) at Southampton Solent University and teaches on a range of undergraduate software development courses including Java and web development. He has contributed software and data to the OpenStreetMap mapping project and has developed an open source mapping site and associated tools for walkers.

Date: Tuesday 17 January
Time: 6.00 for 6.30
Title:  Green Fields for ICT?
Presenter: Bob Crooks, Lead for Sustainable greenIT for Defra, and Chair of the GreenIT SG
Venue: Southampton Solent University, Herbert Collins building,HC 021,on the ground floor,
This will be jointly with the BCS GreenIT SG, Hampshire Branch and Southampton Solent University.
Bob Crooks will be giving us a talk on where to get started on the Green IT agenda. This now ranges across the whole ICT life cycle and beyond, with ICT being seen increasingly as part of the solution as well as part of the problem around us living more sustainable lives at home and at work. He will draw on his extensive work in this area as chair of the BCS Green IT Specialist Group as well as being the Green ICT lead for Defra and a key player on the Cabinet Office's Green IT delivery Unit that has recently published the UK's Greening Government ICT strategy – see

Date: Tuesday 24 January
Time: 6.00 for 6.30
Title: Obtaining Chartered Status,
Presenter: Keith Taylor
Venue: Southampton Solent University, Herbert Collins building,HC 021,on the ground floor,
This will be jointly with the BCS Hampshire Branch and Southampton Solent University.
This will be of particular benefit to those thinking of applying for MBCS or Chartered Status (CITP, CEng or CSci) either shortly or as a more long term aim. You could bring a cv with you, so, if time permits, you could have a personal discussion.
Keith Taylor worked for most of his life at IBM Hursley, but separately has for many years been interviewing BCS members wishing to obtain Chartered Status.

All are being hosted at Southampton University.

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