Friday, 27 January 2012

More on WebSphere Portal 6.1 and Internet Explorer 9

Back last year, I blogged about a customer ( let's call him James ) who had shared a solution to overcome an issue where IE9 was failing to render portal pages which contained iFrames.

Well, that customer - again, we'll call him James - is back, with a similar solution to a related, but different problem.

In essence, when a portal page is displayed in full-screen in IE9, a vertical scroll-bar is shown on the right-hand side of the page, despite the page not needing to scroll e.g. the content fits into the horizontal dimensions of the screen.

What's worse is that this scroll bar serves no purpose - it's not even "scrollable"

Using a similar solution to before, James was able to remove the scrollbar by updating the portal theme as follows: -

Having done that, no more annoying vertical scrollbar :-)

Nice one, James, thanks for sharing.

PS For the record, Microsoft have a neat little document about document compatibility here.

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