Monday, 30 January 2012

Getting Started with IBM Connections

Luis Benitez mentioned this on the IBM Connections Community Chat on Skype earlier 

Get people up and running with IBM Connections in your environment. Users can select  features or see how others have used IBM Connections to accomplish their work, and then take the same steps they took to be successful. 

Fun, interactive learning featuring Learn More, Watch Video, or Do It.

Users take steps to join communities, set up their profile, learn concepts, all the while using your installed IBM Connections.

Uses the same Getting Started application available for Lotus Greenhouse users:

Download includes a README.TXT with instructions for adding your IBM Connections server name to the files. Download size: 1.5 MB.

Want to get a hold of this - check this link - IBM Getting Started sample for IBM Connections  - out on the Catalog.

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