Tuesday, 17 January 2012

IBM Connections - Reporting and Metrics

The Reporting Tool for Lotus Connections (RTLC) enhances and extends Lotus Connection's built-in reporting tools: -
  • Snapshot and trend reports showing adoption, usage and system metrics across all the Lotus Connection features.
  • Simple web-based visualization with bar charts, line charts and tables.
  • Easily view adoption rates for key Lotus Connections features based on days, months and years.
  • Export metrics to Brio, Excel, Crystal Reports and others.


This is in addition to the built-in metrics for the services: -
Activities https://w3-connections.ibm.com/activities/service/html/servermetrics
Blogs https://w3-connections.ibm.com/blogs/roller-ui/servermetrics.do?lang=en_us
Bookmarks https://w3-connections.ibm.com/dogear/toolbox/servermetrics
Communities https://w3-connections.ibm.com/communities/service/html/servermetrics
Files https://w3-connections.ibm.com/files/app/statistics
Homepage https://w3-connections.ibm.com/homepage/web/servermetrics
Profiles https://w3-connections.ibm.com/profiles/html/servermetrics.do
Wikis https://w3-connections.ibm.com/wikis/home/statistics

All good information - now I bet YOU didn't know we did that :-)

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