Monday, 30 January 2012

Introducing the single sign-on diagnostic tool for IBM Lotus Connections

Saw this online today, and thought it was definitely worth sharing: -

Configuring SSO for Lotus Connections is time consuming, and it's easy to make mistakes because there are many manual configuration steps. 

The main idea of the SSO validation utility is that it sends many requests to Connections with SSO configured, and then checks the returned status code, response headers, and cookies to determine whether the requested resource is protected by form-based authentication, basic authentication, or is unprotected.

Once you install the Connections product and complete the configuration steps per the Product Documentation, you can run the SSO validation utility to verify your configurations quickly. 

The SSO validation utility is designed to provide verification for:

• Standalone Lotus Connections, in which there are only WAS and the IHS server involved in the deployment topology
• Lotus Connections integrated with TAM
• Lotus Connections integrated with SiteMinder
• LotusConnections-config.xml file for all three cases above

Want to know more ? Then go to the Wiki here, and have a look.

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