Friday, 27 January 2012

Use cases for the IBM WebSphere Portal Controller SPI

This came in from @ISSL_NA on Twitter earlier, thanks to my ISSL colleague, Damon Deaner, out there on the West Coast ( which I keep forgetting when I invite him to conference calls mid-way through the UK afternoon!! ).

This SPI isn't something I've yet had a chance to look at: -

This white paper describes the various use cases and sample code for the IBM WebSphere Portal versions 6.1.x and 7 Controller Service Provider Interface (SPI), including creating a page, adding containers to a page, the default layouts, and how to add portlets to a page, change the theme and metadata, change the skins, and create custom layouts.

That needs to change :-)

Here's the TOC

• Overview of the Controller
• Working with the models
• Overview of the sample file
• Conclusion
• Resources
• About the authors

Get it from IBM developerWorks here.

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