Sunday, 8 January 2012

IBM WebSphere Portal Theme Optimization

Saw this on Mark Polly's blog - Mark is one of the Portal/WCM gurus at Perficient, and the blog is definitely worth reading.

Along with this article, there's also an article by Michael Porter entitled "When to use a Portal" which is again worth a look.

Mark says ….

Themes in WebSphere Portal continue to undergo significant changes.  In the past few releases we have seen the following enhancements to themes introduced:

• Splitting theme from the wps.ear into separate applications that can be managed independently of the Portal code
• Introduction of Client Side Aggregation (CSA) which builds a page using Javascript on the browser instead of completely building it on the server first.
• PageBuilder and PageBuilder2 themes that provide better interfaces for managing pages directly without going through the Portal Administration interface.

Now IBM has slipped Theme Optimization into the latest fixpack for WebSphere Portal (see IBM's fixpack documentation).  It appears that theme optimization was targeted for Portal 8, so maybe it is making an early appearance here.  Fixpack 2 was released in mid December 2011.

Want to know more ? Then read the blog ….

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