Friday, 16 March 2012

IBM Connections - We have a fix list ....

This document lists the fixed APARs included in IBM Connections 3.0.1 Fix Pack 1 ( 

which is nice - and well overdue :-)


Chris Whisonant said...

The FP is now available on FixCentral (at least it is for me) but it doesn't seem to be in a format that the Installation Manager is looking for...

Chris Whisonant said...

Oh yea, and it's a 1GB download to boot! I added ".zip" to the end of the downloaded file and it seems to recognize it for the Installation Manager. Taking a snapshot and then running the update. Will let you know if it doesn't work out. :)

Brian Bermingham said...

New version now uploaded with ".zip" :)

Omar said...

Details on the fix pack, including instructions and download link are here:

Dave Hay said...

Gents, thanks for this - in the time it took me to travel home from London, you've highlighted a problem, reported a problem, fixed a problem AND provided some more useful information, Thanks for your help, Dave

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 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...