Thursday, 22 March 2012

WUG 2012 - Desktop Single Sign-On in an Active Directory - My Presentation

After an excellent WebSphere User Group at IBM South Bank yesterday, I've uploaded my presentation to SlideShare here.

Here's the objectives slide: -

This presentation tells the story of a particular ISSC project – however, the story is relevant to many other clients, projects and requirements
  • Understand how to integrate WebSphere Application Server, and related products, with Active Directory
  • Understand how to implement desktop single sign-on with WebSphere Portal, IBM Web Content Manager, IBM Connections etc.
  • Share the lessons that we learned
  • Consider the next steps
and here's the client requirements / desired outcomes slide: -

Many of our clients use Active Directory as their main user authentication mechanism

 Requirement is generally to provide "seamless login" to WebSphere Portal and IBM Connections for those users who are authenticated to a Windows desktop

– User logs in to Windows desktop using AD credentials
– User accesses IBM software without providing further credentials (explicitly)
– Portal, Connections etc. recognizes the user and provides access to her personal resources

– But... we also need to consider mobile device authentication, and these aren't Windows desktops …

Hope the presentation is of use, please feel free to provide feedback, here on the blog or via SlideShare or in person.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave, hugely useful should we go down the route of using AD for authentication. Slide 31 made me chuckle, been caught out by that federated repositories/no wasadmin access recently.

Dave Hay said...

@Alan, yes, it was a bit of a learning curve :-(

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