Friday, 9 March 2012

IBM Web Content Manager - Cluster Installation – setting WCM_HOST and WCM_PORT

Saw this on Graham Bucknell's blog this morning, and wanted to share it as it's something that has cropped up for me in the past

When you set up a WebSphere Portal cluster, the WCM_HOST and WCM_PORT environment variables need to be changed so they point to your webserver address. This is important for syndication. If you don't make this change, syndication will go through the individual node instead of the load balancing webserver. This is a problem if the individual node goes down – syndication will also stop too!

As you'd expect, Graham has the solution: -

This is easily remedied with a quick ConfigEngine script:

Want to know more ?

Then check out the post here 

Nice one, Graham, thanks for sharing ….


JMA said...

What other configurations have to be done with WCM if we create a portal cluster?

Dave Hay said...

@Javier - I'd suggest that you check the WebSphere Portal v8 cluster guide - - and the WP/WCM documentation -

Note to self - Firefox and local connections

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