Friday, 16 August 2013

CWLLG1162E: An exception occurred while setting the attribute Locale to value en for user wasadmin

Doh, twice this week, I've seen these exceptions in my IBM BPM Standard server's SystemOut.log ( this is for the AppTarget cluster ): -

[15/08/13 17:33:40:004 BST] 00000031 wle_security  E   CWLLG1162E: An exception occurred while setting the attribute Locale to value en for user wasadmin. Error: com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException: java.lang.NullPointerException
                                 com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException.asBusinessDelegateException(
        at com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.PersistenceServicesDelegateDefault.findSingleByFilter(

[15/08/13 17:33:40:076 BST] 00000031 wle           E   CWLLG2229E: An exception occurred in an EJB call.  Error: java.lang.NullPointerException
                                 com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException.asBusinessDelegateException(
        at com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.PersistenceServicesDelegateDefault.findSingleByFilter(

[15/08/13 17:33:40:095 BST] 00000031 servlet       E service SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception created in one of the service methods of the servlet /repository/com.lombardisoftware.repository.Repository/Repository.jsp in application IBM_BPM_Repository_ProcessCenter.AppTarget. Exception created : com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException: java.lang.NullPointerException

Each time, I spend a manic few moments trying to work out what\s gone wrong.

And then I remember …..

I did NOT bootstrap the database tables: -

cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin
$ ./ 

Can you say "Doh!" ?

PS The reason that I'm doing this over and again is that I've been cleaning down my environment ( stopping JVMs, deleting WAS profiles, dropping the BPMDB/PDWDB/MEDB databases etc. ) multiple times, whilst I test the application of a series of iFixes.

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