Wednesday, 28 August 2013

IBM BPM 8.5 - My first exposure ....

Hmmmm, over two months since it was released, and I finally made the time to download IBM BPM 8.5.

I've not yet installed it, but I'm looking forward to the process.

In the meantime, this is what I downloaded: -

IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Version 8.5 Linux X86 32Bit /X86 64Bit Multilingual eAssembly (CRMM5ML)

or, more specifically: -

IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Version 8.5 For Linux X86 32/64Bit Multilingual - 1 of 3 (CIL96ML) 
IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Version 8.5 For Linux X86 32/64Bit Multilingual - 2 of 3 (CIL97ML) 
IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Version 8.5 For Linux X86 32/64Bit Multilingual - 3 of 3 (CIL98ML) 

as I already have WAS 8.5 and DB2 10, and won't use LDAP in the first instance.

I do have to remember that I need WAS ( aka 8.5.0 Fixpack 2 ) and DB2 10.1 Fixpack 1.

What fun :-)

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