Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Doh - Problem with Process Designer NOT connecting to Process Center

More fun with IBM BPM Standard

This time, Process Designer was failing to connect to my Process Center.

PD is on one machine ( Windows ) and PC is on another ( Linux ).

This is what I see: -

This happened regardless of whether I used HTTP: -


or HTTPS in eclipse.ini: -


Having faffed around for a while, I dug back through an internal IBM BPM forum ( hosted, of course, on IBM Connections ) and found: -

I found the culprit.  The client had used "localhost" for the Linux host name.  Once I changed it to something reasonable, created a new profile for the PC, it worked first time.

When I checked 99Local.xml : -


guess what I found ???

Yep, you guessed it: -


Can you say "Doh!" ???

Now I need to override those settings in 100Custom.xml, resync my WAS cell, restart Process Center ( the AppTarget cluster, specifically ) and I should be good to go.

By the way, the reason that this is an issue ?

Process Designer uses HTTP/HTTPS to get to the bootstrap port of the AppTarget cluster member, gets the required info from BPM ( via 99Local / 100Custom ) and then connects via JMS to the Messaging Engine cluster.

Watch this space ….

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