Monday, 5 August 2013

White Paper - Remove testing bottlenecks and test IBM® WebSphere MQ, TIBCO, Software AG webMethods, SOA, BPM, SOAP, REST and Cloud applications with IBM Rational test automation solutions

Virtualize unavailable applications and systems to test application performance and behavior earlier in the development lifecycle.

Companies all over the world are turning to IBM Rational to save millions of dollars on testing costs and accelerate the delivery of high quality software in complex application environments. Automate SOA and BPM testing with Rational Test Workbench, virtualize unavailable software and services with Rational Test Virtualization Server, and test SOA and BPM performance with Rational Performance Test Server.

The SOA ecosystem includes many types of technologies which are architected into business processes. IBM Rational test automation solutions offers rich integration with these technologies to provide native visibility into the entire process. At IBM, we know the differences in testing requirements associated with integration, BPM and governance platforms. IBM designs specific functionality and process into the solutions for each vendor to assure lifecycle coverage including unit, functional, integration, regression, performance, virtualized application and run time testing.

IBM has experience across all the major vendor technologies - IBM, TIBCO, Software AG webMethods, SAP, and more. If it's overall web services testing capabilities or a specific industry requirement you are looking for, we can just as easily help you with 70 technologies currently supported – industry specific protocols and the inclusion of what are often seen as "extras" as standard.

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