Tuesday 16 November 2010

IBM Lotus Forms Application Experience Designer Beta

This is your chance to test an exciting new feature of IBM Lotus Forms, The new Application Experience Designer lets you quickly and easily build web applications for data collection. With nothing more than a browser - users can create sophisticated HTML/JavaScript applications that guide users through the steps involved with the data collection process. The design environment provides a simple and straightforward point and click user interface for specify the application, eliminating the need to write code. All application and data definitions are captured automatically as part of the design process and stored for later use in the production environment. This approach allows for rapid application development to with minimal technical skills. Solutions designed with the new Application Experience Designer are agile and easily changed to accommodate changing business requirements. They are also extensible and easily integrated with existing systems like business process management, data bases and other applications.

Benefits of Lotus Forms Application Experience Designer include:

  • Agile, Easy to Use - Allows business to respond without expensive, time consuming development cycles.
  • 100% Standards-Based - Lowers TCO and leverages common IT skills.
  • Highly Performant - Meets the needs of today's customer, partner and citizen facing deployments.
  • Compelling User Experience -Leverages best-of-breed, Web 2.0 technologies (CSS, Dojo, JavaScript.)
  • Integrates Easily - Complements SOA, BPM and other line-of business systems.


Q. Do I need to have Lotus Forms to beta test this new feature?

A. No you do not need to have Lotus Forms. This feature beta has been designed to be used independent from Lotus Forms and can be installed by itself

Q. What new applications can I address with the Lotus Forms Application Experience Designer?

A. The new feature complements the traditional Lotus Forms document centric architecture by letting you build highly performant data centric.web applications.

Q. How will the new feature be made available?

A. Current plans are for the Lotus Forms Application Experience Designer to be introduced as part of Lotus Forms in 2011.

Q. What skills do I need to be able to build applications with Lotus Forms Application Experience Designer?

A. A basic understand of Web Applications, is all that is needed. Building applications is entirely point and click inside of a browser.

Q. How sophisticated can the applications be?

A. Users can build comprehensive, highly performant, rich client application experiences that include workflow and integration with other systems.

Do you want to know more ? If so, download the beta from here.

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Note to self - use kubectl to query images in a pod or deployment

In both cases, we use JSON ... For a deployment, we can do this: - kubectl get deployment foobar --namespace snafu --output jsonpath="{...