Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Lotus Connections 2.5 - More on "metrics"

 A colleague asked if there was any way to monitor whether a Community had become inactive. Whilst I haven't yet seen a specific isAction() API ( or similar ), there is this wsadmin command that can be executed ( as part of the communitiesAdmin.py Python script library ): -   CommunitiesService.listComm(List list)   Prints the information associated with the communities in the list input to the wsadmin command window in an easy-to-read format. The data printed includes community name, UUID, type, who created it, creation date, last person who modified it, date of last modification, membership list size, and description. If the list includes members, then this command also prints the membership list. If the list includes references, the command also prints the reference information.

This command is run in two steps. First, generate the data to input into the listComm command and assign the list to a variable. The variable is then used as input into the listComm command.

For example:
 wsadmin>byMember=CommunitiesService.fetchCommByMember("jane_doe@company.com") wsadmin>CommunitiesService.listComm(byMember) 
CommunitiesService.listCommToFile(List list, String filename)

  Prints the information associated with the communities in the list input to the specified file using an easy-to-read format. The directory to which the file is to be output must already exist. The data printed includes community name, UUID, type, who created it, creation date, last person who modified it, date of last modification, membership list size, and description. If the list includes members, then this command also prints the membership list. If the list includes references, the command also prints the reference information.

This command is run in two steps. First, generate the data to input into the listCommToFile command and assign the list to a variable. The variable is then used as input into the listCommToFile command.

For example:
 wsadmin>byMember=CommunitiesService.fetchCommByMember("jane_doe@company.com") wsadmin>CommunitiesService.listCommToFile(bymember,"/temp/CommMembers.txt") 
I nabbed these two commands from the Retrieving and listing community data section of the Lotus Connections 2.5 Information Centre.   Now it'd be nice if this information was available via a callable service / feed, similar to the Server Metrics : -    http://<servername.com:port>/communities/service/html/servermetrics   but one can't have everything :-)

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