Tuesday, 2 November 2010

WebSphere Portlet Factory v7 - Training

Here are three new online courses for WPF that include the most recent version 7 product: -

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 7: Technical Fundamentals

This instructor-led workshop developed by Streebo Inc. is designed for developers, technical leads, technical managers and architects who have little or no background in IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory.

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 7: Advance Topics and Concepts

This instructor-led training by Streebo Inc. is an advance level course that is targeted towards you with who have existing knowledge of Portlet Factory and its function and builders.

Exploring new features in IBM Websphere Portlet Factory 7.0

This is a 1-day update course on WebSphere Portlet Factory 7 developed by Streebo Inc. is targeted towards you who have prior experience/ training of working with previous versions of Portlet Factory. You are introduced to the new features and functions of the WebSphere Portlet Factory 7.

Whether you take one or all, you'll pick up some useful skills: -

  • Provide exceptional web experience for users with new v7.0 features
  • Building Rich Internet Applications (RIA) with the Latest Dojo builders & AJAX Builders
  • Leverage automated construction of Smart Portlet applications to support multitouch devices like iPhone, iPad and Android tablets, etc
  • Automating portlet patterns for maximum reuse and return on investment
  • Portlet Integration with databases & legacy systems etc.

Interested ? Well, go and visit the links for more information.


anu said...

i am using portlet factory 6.1.5
i want to add an extra column to a database table with radio button in each so that each row can be selected. i used data field modifier but control types defined in it are only link,button,image.
is there any other option to acheive this?

Dave Hay said...

Hi Anu

This wiki article may help: -

How do I add a check box or radio button column to a data table?


It relates how to use Data Column Modifier and Radio Button builders - this may help you achieve your requirement, regards, Dave

anu said...

hi dave,
thank you so much
it helped me a lot
thanks again

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